I can anounce the the launch of LymeHarbour.co.uk developed as a useful tool for Lyme Regis Harbour users and to demonstrate how much can be accomplised in a short time with the right tools, controls and experience.
The first version of the website represents about 2-3 days work - which at a standard charge-out rate together with the first six months hosting, up to 10 e-mail addresses and all domain registration and/or transfers would equate to £500+VAT.
Some additional time developing was taken to develop two new Flash Controls for Weather and Tides (see below) and updating some other code and controls which will be available for public when time is available on PimpUpYourSite.com - another new venture.
The key to fast development is having a set of reusable controls and styles available for all our customers and these controls are available for free meaning we can offer more powerful and dynamic websites for less cost back to the customer.
The Weather Control
This new display shows the latest weather forecasts for Lyme Regis and the South West.
Click < or > to change the date.
Click on "Lyme Regis & SW Weather" to visit the BBC Weather Centre's page for the South West of England.
Click on the Yacht for the latest Shipping Forecast or Lyme Regis for the forecast for the next 5 days.
The Tide Times Control
This new display shows the tide times for Lyme Regis.
Click < or > to change the date.
Click on "Lyme Regis Tide Times" to visit the BBC Weather Centre's Tide Times page for that date.
Article written by Jimbob - 10th November 2006